How to Use Anders Pink for Content Curation | The Curation Code |

Anders Pink is a content curation platform that lets you set up “briefings” or content stream based on your topics of interest. These Briefings are automatically updated with fresh content every few hours.

You can create them using keywords and additional filters so you get the latest content from specific sources, including websites, twitter influencers, or RSS feeds. Your briefings can be private or public, and most importantly – you can set them up for free!If you like to discover, read and curate content on the go, Anders Pink also has iOS and Android apps too.

Here’s a quick look at what you can do with this tool:

- Set up custom briefings Create teams to collaborate on briefings with your colleagues.

- Take action on content – upvote, comment, and share.

- Easily discover the latest content on any topic.

- Save articles and organize them into folders for later reading.

- Follow topics or public briefings that interest you....