Why "rich content" is central to your social media strategy | digital marketing strategy | Scoop.it

What’s the point of this story?

First — as you know by now — that there is only value in content if it “moves.” If my article had not received any attention from my readers, it’s unlikely the reporter would have found it on search.

There was no inherent SEO value in my original post — I had invented the term social scoring — so the web activity alone led the reporter to me.

But there is a bigger lesson here.

Would I have been found by the New York Times reporter if I had only posted my ideas about social scoring on Facebook? Twitter? LinkedIn?

The answer is obvious – no.

To have the opportunity for real authority on the web and vast reach, you need a certain type of content that has depth and breadth. Every organization active on the social web needs at least one source of “rich content....

Via Jeff Domansky, Os Ishmael