Readers don't draw a line between self-publishers and trad publishers | GenAI BPM |

Consumers don't make a distinction between traditional publishers and self-publishers when buying ebooks, according to a wide-ranging new study.


The Book Industry Study Group’s latest report, Consumer Attitudes Towards Ebook Reading, also shows that readers prefer ebooks over print books in 10 out of 14 subject areas, including all fiction genres.


Ebooks have a big lead over print in all areas of fiction, covering romance/erotic, mystery/thriller, general, religious, young adult, science fiction/fantasy and literary.


The ebook lead is narrower in non-fiction for business/finance and history/politics/social sciences and print takes over for how-to guides/manuals and travel while comics/graphic novels and cookbooks are preferred in print by a long way....

Via Jeff Domansky