Neil Patel's Eight Pet Peeves About Most Blogs | KISSmetrics | LawRank - Law Firm SEO |

...But here’s the problem: Many businesses are totally inept at blogging.

In a 2013 survey, researchers discovered that only 1 in 8 businesses had an “updated” blog. And what does “updated” mean? It means at least three posts in the last year. (I post more times than that in a week!)

Apparently, the problem was that the marketers didn’t see the point in blogging. According to the survey, 32% of respondents were honest enough to admit that “they don’t see the point in a blog.”

And from there, everything goes downhill. Blogs start without a plan. Marketers hurriedly throw together a WordPress site without a second thought as to its SEO or ROI. Authors are hired at rock-bottom prices to spin out words on a topic they know nothing about. Editors are dispensed with because they’re “expensive” and “delay publication.” Adding images are ignored, and adding CTAs is the furthest thing from anyone’s mind....

Via Jeff Domansky