How Men and Women Use Mobile and Social Media Differently (Infographic) | LawRank - Law Firm SEO |

As the old saying goes, men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

An infographic from gives that theory a bit more weight. The graphic illustrates the different ways the genders use social media and mobile.


For example, men are more likely to use social media for business and dating, whereas women are more likely to use it for relationships, sharing and entertainment.


But the differences don't end there.


Did you know that men prefer quick access to deals and information on social media, whereas women would rather have an encounter with a brand? And while only 18 percent of men will follow an organization for deals, 71 percent of women will.


But there are some aspects of social media on which both genders agree: Both enjoy social media ads that are funny or feature celebrity endorsements. (Hey, it's something, right?)


Learn more about how men and women use social media in the infographic. 

Via Rebel Dealer