6 Steps To A More Mindful Company Culture | Mindfulness & The Mindful Leader | Scoop.it
Think a bit outside of the box and consider the type of corporate culture that can consistently create and support world-class customer experiences. Try to imagine a mindful approach to customer experience. We're serious."Mindful" is not a word that is associated with business or industry....

An example from the Merriam-Webster dictionary uses the word this way: a truly considerate person, always mindful of the needs of others. If you think of others as customers, this is a simple and direct way of thinking about the mindset of a smart company.

Then there's mindfulness, which has to do with being aware of the present moment, free from the sort of blinders we described above. Jon Kabat-Zinn wrote that mindfulness means "paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally."

For example, a person in this state would do one thing at a time. He would not only observe carefully, but also notice small details. He could observe reality for what it is, rather than being blinded by his own opinions and preconceptions.