Half a world from home, reporters try to make sense of Trump | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

If their labor was similar to that of many other reporters in town covering the convention, their nationality wasn't. Reporter Jiwon Park and cameraman Bohyun Bang are with Arirang TV based in Seoul, South Korea.

Why were they here?

"It's the president of the United States," Park explained. "We have a lot of interest in the United States. It is the number-one country in the world."

As NBC's Chuck Todd was hustling to a nearby outdoors studio not too far away and eliciting a news celebrity's typical response from passersby ("hey, that's the guy from CBS!" a Mississippi delegate said to his companion), the two journalists from Arirang were virtually unnoticed and blended into the bustle of conventioneers, media and massive security.

The duo has been in the country for 10 days, starting in Washington, D.C. and finishing up in Cleveland.I asked if they had come to any clear understanding of Trump's appeal. They said a little bit but not completely. Perhaps join the crowd, I said....