How Facebook's Instagram integration could rock the industry | Inside Facebook | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

According to John McDermott at Digiday, Instagram is conducting a test (yes, for now it’s just a test) with Mercedes-Benz that allows them to target Facebook users who previously saw one of its Instagram ads. While this development is eye-opening in and of itself, as it gives hints into Facebook plans on returning their $1B investment, it also shows Facebook’s commitment to transforming how advertising not only can coexist with social media, but thrive and break into new levels of adoption.

What stands out the most to me is how inherent behavioral characteristics seen on both Facebook and Instagram are being aligned with their natural fit in the conversion funnel. As noted by McDermott, Instagram’s product naturally promotes behavior more conducive to the top of the funnel, where brand awareness comes into play. If Instagram is committed to preserving the user experience that allowed them to break 200 million users, it behooves them to preserve this characteristic of their product and not to “forcefully” incorporate more direct-response elements like call-to-action buttons, etc....