Facebook users prefer pets and photographers to banks and tech | Marketing Pilgrim | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

There are marketers who swear that Facebook is the key to staying in touch with customers and others who think Facebook is a waste of time. Believe it or not, both are right. As you’ll see from this new infographic by Cool Tabs, it all depends on who and where you are.

Cool Tabs makes apps and widgets that you can put on your Facebook pages to increase engagement and attract new followers. They also offer a performance check-up service and it’s that data that led to these results.

Most Engaging CategoriesIt’s nice to have followers but it’s better when your followers actually engage with your posts. In Facebook terms, that could mean anything from leaving a thumbs up or comment to sharing a post with their own followers.

Cool Tabs found that people were more engaged with pet posts than any other category. Fictional characters came in a close second. Then we drop quite a bit before getting to “just for fun” and small business posts. Photographer posts round out the top five....