Effective Content Marketing on Google Plus: 5 Tools to Measure Success | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

While Google+ was slow to take off, since it launched, early adopters have seen a remarkable uptick in engagement and are beginning to understand what succeeds on G+.

While the platform may not yet have the fan base of Twitter or Facebook, Google+ has been steadily gaining ground and convincing users to try it out. Further, many of the questions that skeptics initially had about how to use G+ have been clarified through analytics data: For example, the most popular post types on G+ are photos, followed by articles. However, all of this talk about the success of Google+ is cold comfort for marketers who are unsure how to measure their effective content marketing efforts on G+. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the best strategies out there for analyzing your brand’s Google+ successes....