Jack Dorsey Believes The iWatch Will Be More Valuable To Users Than Google Glass | Cult of Mac | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

When asked whether he’s looked into Google Glass, Dorsey had the following to say:“I don’t think glasses are the answer. I think it might be a 10-year answer, but not in the next five years. Maybe if they’re in sunglasses or what not. I think the movement you see around Fitbit, Up and FuelBand, that seems to be the next step in wearable. So something on the wrist that feels natural, almost feels a bit like jewelry. Glasses are very compelling and I think it’s an amazing technology, but I just can’t imagine my mom wearing them right now. What is the value of Glass?”

Google Glass was announced last year at Google’s I/O developer conference but the consumer version of the product isn’t expected to be released until the end of 2013, or a year-ish from now, depending on who you talk to. Apple has yet to announce its rumored iWatch product, but some rumors have pointed to a late 2013 or early 2014 release date.

When asked specifically, whether he had more faith in the rumored iWatch, Dorsey replied: ”(Laughs.) I don’t know, I think there’s a lot going on. The Pebble watch I think is pretty compelling as well.”...