Why Usability & Usefulness Are Cool Again | Rohit Barghava | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

...Jakob Nielsen was a household name in web development teams – and "Information Architect" and "Usability Expert" were considered careers for the future. Then one day usability started to fade into the background. It became more of an afterthought. When is the last time you saw any job with "usability" in the title on any sort of list of jobs for the future?


The irony is that usability never became less important – it was just that marketing people moved on to promoting sexier things … like social media and focused on buzzwords like "engagement" and creating "conversations." The after effect of this focus is still evident all around us:


United Airlines has a website that is a towering monument to what happens when no one listens to the usability experts. Tasks are impossible to complete without too many clicks, the interface is completely non-intuitive, and your logged in profile is inconveniently forgotten before any transaction....


[Rethink & a social media reminder - JD]