10 Pinterest Boards Your NPO Should Have | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it
Pinterest is a great place for non-profits to engage, build an audience and gain a following. Even if you think your NPO isn’t suited for a visual platform such as Pinterest, I encourage you to keep an open mind, read this article and reconsider adding Pinterest to your NPOs social media strategy. Did you know that Pinterest has 70 millions active users and is wildly popular among American women? (Does you NPO target females, moms maybe?) Keep reading!

While Pinterest hasn’t yet scaled to the size of its competitors, it has firmly secured its position as the 2nd largest referrer of social traffic.

Most NPOs do really well on Pinterest, isn’t it time yours does, too? In this article you’ll find out:

  • Why NPOs should consider being present on Pinterest.
  • 3 tips on how to get your NPO started on Pinterest.
  • 10 ideas for Pinterest boards every NPO on Pinterest should have....