How to Breathe Life into Your Google+ Profile - Search Engine Journal | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Social media marketing is still critically important to a thriving online presence. Many businesses and entrepreneurs experience fatigue over the number of networks that are available en masse. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest… and more recently, and critically, Google+.

Creating content, managing engagement, and taking all the other necessary steps to get things done is exhausting, even for a business that picks and chooses its networks. Still, when Google rolled out Google+, it was clearly time to pay attention.

On a first look, many people feel that engaging with other social networks is much more intuitive than approaching Google+ for the first time. They’ve been around awhile. There’s plenty of guides and good role models for how to handle Facebook and Twitter like a pro. Ignoring Google+ isn’t an option, though. From gaining exposure for your business and content to improving your search engine rankings, an active Google+ account is a must. Here’s how to breathe some life into your Google+ account if you feel like it’s withering away or if you haven’t been brave enough to start one yet.