Are Hashtags Dead? Do Tweets with Images Get More Followers? Twitter Growth Factors (and Some Excel Tips) | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

What factors go into determining how many Twitter followers you gain (and lose) each day? I analyzed thousands of accounts to find the answer.

Key takeaways

  • The types of content you tweet have significant impacts on attracting and keeping followers.
  • Hashtags probably aren't dead.
  • Each tweet that includes an image, has a hashtag, is a retweet, or mentions someone associates with 2-6% more daily followers.
  • Just as it does with Rand, your account will likely have individualized factors that move the needle for you.
  • You can explore these via Excel! Check your Followerwonk account for a complimentary spreadsheet of your Twitter activity.
  • Don't forget to follow me @petebray so that I can test whether this blog post significantly moves my follower count! :) And let me know what you uncover.