“Ask An Editor”- How Do You Create Amazing Content? | News Cred | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

NewsCred: Is there something universal about great content?

Thompson: A really important aspect of content, particularly on the web, is the quality of insight. And insight doesn’t need to be surprising. It can be insight about things that are very familiar, and that give us a frame for things that are already top of mind. Or, in the case of a lot of advertising, something that makes us feel good about ourselves. Good content should produce some new line of thought.

How do you choose what to write about?

I read Twitter until I find something that raises a question. I wait until I become curious about something. That’s a luxury I have, though. I think that sometimes people are more distrustful of brands than they are of journalists, because brands come with an explicit message -- “buy my thing” -- and journalists don’t. I think it’s a little weird when a brand tries to harp too much on what people are talking about. What does a soda company have to say about Ferguson? That seems cheap....