How To Use Tumblr To Complement Your WordPress Blog | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Tumblr or WordPress is one of the most frequently asked questions for people that are starting to get into blogging. Recently my opinion on this choice has changed to not being a choice at all. Instead of choosing one over the other, I now prefer to use both in a way that they compliment each other.

So how and why can we use both of them at the same time you may be asking. Use as your main blog that you completely control with your own domain name, nice design and all the other things that WordPress does very well. Many consider Tumblr not a blogging platform at all but more of a social network so in this case I aim to get the most out of Tumblr’s social properties. If you currently blog on Tumblr and are looking to switch to WordPress this is the guide that you need.

How to use TumblrInstead of using Tumblr as my main platform for a blog I only post excerpts, pics and links back to the main blog there. This is a nice way of keeping the benefits of Tumblr social network features to drive attention and traffic to your blog while getting all the good stuff from WordPress like complete ownership and control over the look and feel of your site....