Tech PR: The Blog as Fortune Cookie | Crawford | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

A neighbor lady invites me to her place for dinner. By her red pajama suit I surmise she’s a follower of Rammed Ass, Swami Scratchyerbanana or other esoteric cultist. She’s ordered Chinese takeout. While my host repairs to the kitchen for drinks, I thread the fortune from her cookie and write on the back, “Tonight you are doing the dishes” then slip it back, unobserved. Later she does exactly as instructed. It’s then I realize there really is a Higher Power.


In tech PR and marketing, pundits dispense advice with similar near-divine authority. One such is Seth Godin. I read Seth’s blog with a mix of anticipation and caution. God has a wicked sense of humor and loves to put a tack in your chair. You never know when She might speak in tongues through a marketing guy....


[James Crawford has a humorous Zen moment - JD]