Content Strategy, Agile Methodology, and Sartre’s View of Hell | Marli Mesibov | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Not so long ago, agile methodology practitioners were all developers, and they would swear that there was no way UX design could fit into the mix. Agile was for development-centric projects. The methodology empowers developers to build and create, “fundamentally incorporat[ing] iteration and the continuous feedback that it provides to successively refine and deliver a software system.” (VersionOne) In a system like that, it was long thought, there was no room for UX design or content.

Today, ”agile” is like a new sort of ice cream, with a wide variety of flavors. There are UX design teams working in “agile for UX,”  and others branching out to Lean UX, both putting an emphasis on prototypes over wireframes, and collaboration over documentation. But agile is as prone to the game of telephone as anything else, and so as the word of agile spreads, it morphs, or evolves. Which brings me to look at what happens when content strategy is integrated into agile, and how agile can be whispered to so many people it no longer remotely resembles the original word....