Sorry State – The Tale of the Tapes | 15 Seconds | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

We suppose it is possible for the Department of State to screw up the handling of questions about whether they lied to reporters even worse — but it is hard to figure out how.

The video below from CNN’s Jake Tapper today nicely lays out the series of offenses — but here is our quick summary:

In February 2013 Fox News correspondent James Rosen asked then State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland if there had been direct talks between the U.S. and Iran.  She essentially said “NO.”

In December 2013, Rosen points out to Nuland’s successor Jen Psaki that the correct answer would have been “YES” and asked if State routinely lied to reporters when they found it convenient. Psaki with a smirk said there are times when diplomacy needs privacy to succeed. (Translation: yes, we lied)....