13 More Before-and-After Examples of Headline Magic - MediaShift | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

As the response was fairly positive to my original post on headline engagement and best practices, I wanted to share a few more examples before I moved on to other topics.

But as I continued to talk about headlines, I kept finding new and better case studies. So what follows really is more of an addendum to the first post, a final notebook dump of sorts, where we at the Chicago Tribune took digitally deficient headlines and really focused on drawing out the compelling aspects.

As before, in all of these examples, we at least doubled realtime homepage engagement (click-through rate) after we made the change. We based this on Chartbeat’s heads-up display. So if 50 people were clicking on a headline before, at least 100 were after. Visually, that looks like this…