A Filmmaker's Dramatic Spec Ad for Google Glass Is Getting Lots of Fans, Including Google | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it
Can Google Glass help cross cultural boundaries and even save lives? It can in "Captions," a 4-minute short film promoting a translation app currently in development.

Writer, director and editor Joe Sill of digital studio Everdream Pictures describes the cinematic clip as a "branded content spec ad," much like the team's earlier, unofficial Tesla spot, "Modern Spaceship," whose admirers included even Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

And sure enough, the new video has also gotten some top-level corporate love, with the official Google Glass page giving it a share on Facebook.

Sam Morrill, senior curator at Vimeo, also left a comment on the clip: "Interesting film. Really sharp look."

"Captions" focuses on a Glass translation app that helps a photographer in the Mexican desert communicate with a boy who's been bitten by a snake....