A Powerful Tool to Curate and Create Great Content that Google Loves | Jeffbullas | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

...Shuttlerock is a white label photo and content sharing platform embedded on your website. It allows you to generate, curate and publish photos and stories. It means that your website is no longer one dimensional; it’s now multi-dimensional using customers, staff and partners and their social channels to bring your site to life.


What are the key benefits? The platform was born out of the frustration of creating content and engagement at scale. Here are the key benefits that highlight how it it will assist you with the marketing of your business on a social web that craves fresh unique content.

- More high quality engagement leading to more sales. This is created by the generation of ‘real’ content from ‘real’ people. This “is” content marketing.

- Better interaction with customers AND their friends: a social platform on “your” website. And more control of the customer relationship, content and conversations.

- Creates an on-going source of fresh content which you can share to your company’s social channels.

- Higher search engine rankings. Search engines require fresh content and they rate the social conversations that Shuttlerock encourages.

- Helps you build a valuable email list of your customers and their friends....