Social Media Evolution: What Does the Future of Social Marketing Look Like? : Social Media Examiner | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Brian says that when you think about marketing as engagement, meaning a moment of truth in which you can take someone’s attention and give them your attention, you have the opportunity to do something that’s not only productive and useful, but also great.


The future of business, he says, is in optimizing the four Moments of Truth.


The Zero Moment of Truth, the discovery process, occurs when someone wants to know something. Online, they use Google search, social networks, review sites, etc., to learn more about what they’re searching for. In the Zero Moment of Truth, businesses want to engage and hand-hold someone to the next step.


The First Moment of Truth is when people have included you (the business or brand) in their final decision process. This is where the marketing, packaging or presentation line up and customers buy your product....