How The New York Times, other publishers are using Slack as a content tool - Digiday | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Slack the communications tool has for some publishers become Slack the publishing tool.

Publishers adopted Slack to cut down on email and open up communication, but many are now finding that Slack can also enable forms of publishing. Slack’s real-time nature has made it a viable way for publishers to keep track of breaking-news stories, for example, while other publishers are finding that Slack can be a viable alternative to run-of-the-mill live-blogging software.

“Slack has made ease of integration a priority. It’s trying to serve as a platform, not just a way for people to communicate,” said New York Times interactive news developer Michael Strickland. “It’s something people are relying on and integrating more deeply into their systems. It’s been effective at that so far.”...