What on earth is interactive video? - Kiosked | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Brands can inform, market, help and educate with their online videos and STUDIES show that people who watch videos of brands online are 60% more likely to make a purchase decision. But the possibilities of online video don’t stop there. Think online, think visual, think video and think what if you could do more than just watch the video. That’s it, right there you have interactive video.

Interactive video has been on the RISE lately: digital ads that feature some kind of interactivity leapt from only 2% in January 2013 to 11% in June. Naturally it doesn’t stop there and the numbers are expected to double next year. Forrester defines interactive video as “A type of digital video supporting user interaction through gestures, voice, touch and clicks”.

Let’s pause here because this has huge implications. Consumers can watch branded content and engage with contextually relevant interactive elements. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words but what are those thousand words against 1.8m impressions that one minute of online video generates?...