Content Strategy - 5 Steps to Winning Fans | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Content strategy is no accident. Here are 5 steps to matching relevant, compelling content to customer demand.

About a year ago, I wrote a guest post here titled “Use Online Listening for Competitive Research. The post explored the topic of utilizing common interactive marketing tools in unintended ways to tap into consumer demand. Not unlike traditional surveys, keyword research and social data mining tools tell a powerful story about the information target audiences want from organizations, on-and-offline.

In the time that’s passed since that post, my colleagues and I have tested and refined the concept and methodology with our clients. In doing so, we’ve learned that findings resulting from search and social data mining are incredibly handy for informing creative and content, improving relevance and impact. In today’s post, it’s my pleasure to share some content relevance tips I’ve learned along the way....