gyroVoice: Everything We Thought We Knew About B-to-B Marketing Is Wrong | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

What company do customers feel most connected to emotionally?Apple? Nope. Amazon? Sorry. It must be Nordstrom then, right? Not even close.

To find the company that has the strongest emotional connection with customers, you have to leave the consumer world behind. Blows your mind, doesn’t it?

According to new research from Google and the CEB, customers are more emotionally connected to B-to-B brands, and it’s not even close. The company customers say that they are most emotionally connected to is…Cisco.

Why? Well, it’s about understanding risk. The more risk involved with a purchase decision, the higher the likelihood of an emotional connection. Increase the variables related to risk (e.g., losing a job, wasting corporate investments), and you have the ingredients for an emotionally involved buyer. Personal risks peak when others are counting on you to make the right decision and the stakes are highest....