Great Examples of Content & Commerce | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Content creation in ecommerce isn’t something that is by any means easy to get right but when you do, the results will speak for themselves in terms of conversions, brand recognition and engagement.

2015 was a great year for brands beginning to really leverage content on their ecommerce stores and 2016 is set to continue this tradition as more and more become aware of its importance in the customer experience and journey. These days, it’s is a crucial component of remaining competitive within your industry and its importance will only grow.

Whilst content on ecommerce sites might not immediately be the thing that you think of when it comes to driving sales and conversions, there is a huge amount of value to be had in reaching users at earlier stages in the buying process. Larger retailers like Wiggle and REI are very strong examples for using content to position themselves as an authority, with various different objectives, but merchants of all sizes are now allocating large proportions of their marketing budget to content strategy....