8 Must-Have Tips for Writing Landing Page Copy That Converts | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Conversion copywriters -- the people who write landing page content that converts readers and delivers sales -- are wonderful human beings. Their writing pulls in readers, generates conversions, and ultimately produces buckets of cash.

Wouldn't you like to have that skill?

There's good news here: It’s only partly skill. The rest is just technique -- technique that you can learn and master. You -- yes, you! -- can unleash the same wizard-like conversion copy powers, as long as you understand the techniques that are at play.

You see, conversion is very much a science of the mind -- how your prospect's mind processes information, makes decisions, and decides to convert. In this post, I'll describe eight writing techniques that are proven to work. After putting your time and resources into generating traffic, here’s how you can turn traffic into revenue by creating copy like a conversion pro....