This: The social network that’s gaining in popularity among journalists | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

The concept behind This is deceptively simple, and if you’re the kind of person it’s meant to appeal to its allure should be immediately obvious: It’s a link-sharing network where every user is only allowed to share one link per day. That’s it.

There are no bells and whistles. There isn’t even a mobile app yet. Yet in the past two months since its soft launch it’s quickly catapulted to the top of the list of sites I visit daily, and I’m not alone.

Some of the most prominent journalists in media, from The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates to Slate’s David Plotz to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, are among its early adopters, and thousands more are clamoring for invites once they become available.

Though the site wasn’t created to specifically service journalists, many of its earliest users work in media, most likely because the initial invites were sent out to Andrew Golis’s professional circle of friends and colleagues. And This also happens to solve a problem faced by the very people — journalists — who spend all their time staring at content feeds all day: media overload....