In marketing? 4 things you need to know about the latest in ad tech - Memeburn | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Hearing the term “ad tech” makes most people think of data science and complicated formulas. While there’s a kernel of truth to this, ad tech is so much more. Over the last few years, it’s attracted a lot of outsiders, and the result is a much friendlier set of tools with an agency-esque ease of use.

Because of this, we’re now seeing companies and people move closer together in advertising transactions, eliminating barriers and unnecessary middlemen.

Ad tech opens you up to many opportunities. You now have a greater, more valuable ability to optimize, analyze, and offer companies behavioral data on the people who matter most to them. It’s still about targeting an audience — just across multiple touchpoints and platforms, with far richer data.

As long as you understand where you fit in this new digital landscape, you should be fine. But it takes a shift in focus, and you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the advancements and trends in this emerging industry. Here are four essentials you must keep in mind...