10 Priceless & Powerful Content Curation Tools | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Content curation is the process of discovering, collating, and presenting content relevant to a particular topic.The function of content curation and content creation is similar since both aim at using content to engage target audiences on social media.

Content creation allows you to create and share original articles or information with your social media followers; curation refers to gathering content on a specific topic, which has already been published by others.

Content creation lets you share exclusive and original content with your followers which can include promotional and non-promotional content.

A successful social media marketing strategy includes the use of original content, curated content, and general statements. According to TA McCann's 5-3-2 rule, for every 10 posts that you share on social media, 5 of them should be curated from external sources, 3 posts should be original (not necessarily promotional), and 2 posts should be general, non-work related, to help humanize your business....