Portable Standing Desk Lets You Stand, Work Anywhere You Bring Your Laptop | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Picture yourself being "that standing desk guy" not just at the office, but at a coffee shop, library, and wherever else you happen to be.

There are a lot of standing desks on the market these days. But most of them are pretty stationary. They assume you have the sort of job where staying in place is what you have to do from 9 to 5.

Many of us need to be mobile during the day. We visit customers or colleagues, hang out in coffee shops, or work while traveling. That's when you might want something that's not only standing, but also portable. Something like StandStand, perhaps?

Now on Kickstarter, StandStand is a three-piece wooden kit that locks together into one sturdy platform for your laptop. And very elegant it is too. It weighs less than two pounds, flattens into one interconnected lump, and costs as little as $50 if buying early through the crowdfunding campaign, which is considerably less than most standing desks (probably only building your own is cheaper).The design comes from Luke Leafgren, who makes his case in the video here:...