Avert Disaster With This Self-Powered Emergency Smartphone Charger | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

When no electricity is available, a new self-powered emergency smartphone charger juices your smartphone with simple hand cranking. You could have all the apps in the world to prepare you for survival when disaster strikes — flashlight, emergency contacts, GPS and first aid tips — but they'll be entirely useless when you run out of battery juice on your phone.


If you're camping in the boondocks or preparing a disaster survival kit, you might want to consider a low-tech emergency smartphone charger. Seattle-based SOS Ready has designed the pocket-sized "SOSCharger," which is powered by you. With the gadget's built-in generator, all you do is connect to your smartphone via USB connection and hand-crank the handle. The SOSCharger has a 1,500 mAh Lithium Polymer battery, and depending on your phone and network, the company claims three to five minutes of winding will translate to five to 12 minutes of talk time....