'F This Job,' Writes Agency Social-Media Manager … on Client's Facebook Wall | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it
Bozeman, Mont: Great place to visit. Even better place to leave? The Montana Office of Tourism has been in damage-control mode since Friday, when it posted this status update to its official Facebook page: "F this job.


I just want to live in Whitefish with my future husband. Leaving Bozeman for good tomorrow. I love you with all my heart and you are not leaving me. Never. Thanks for the good times MercuryCSC!"

If that seems like a poor pitch for getting people to visit Montana, that's because it was a personal message from someone at the client's agency, MercuryCSC, meant for that person's own Facebook page. The client quickly deleted the post and then explained its origins to the press....


[Career limiting mistake by ex-agency social media manager but quick, transparent handling by the client ~ Jeff]