Use Content Curation for Brand Content Diversity & Expertise | TopRank | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Are you guilty of any of the behaviors of a me-me-me brand? Learn how content curation can help companies diversify their content & better serve audience needs. ...Back in late 2011, Jay Baer conducted a study to determine how audiences in social responded to the two different content types (that is created vs. curated). What he found was staggering, and still some of the best data on the subject of content curation. Brands that posted curated content linking to 3rd party sites experienced a 33% increase in clicks vs. those with original content linking back to their own site. Your Recovery Starts Today Now is not the time for denial! To identify and cure the symptoms of a ‘Me-Me-Me’ brand and prevent a relapse, follow these 3 simple steps...