Analysis | Fighting falsehoods around the world: A dispatch on the growing global fact-checking movement | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

MADRID — “Nos encanta la verdad.” We love the truth.

Political fact-checking has existed in the United States for many years. was established in 2003, and The Washington Post Fact Checker and PolitiFact were launched in 2007.

In recent years, this movement representing a new form of accountability journalism has exploded around the globe. Now, there are 126 fact-checking organizations in 49 countries. Clearly, voters in many countries care about and want to know the truth.

About 190 fact-checkers from 54 countries attended the fourth annual Global Fact-Checking Summit, July 5-7, 2017. The International Fact-Checking Network at Poynter Institute hosted the summit. The first meeting of fact-checkers from around the world took place in 2014, with 50 fact-checkers. Now the community has grown so much that we needed a “speed meeting” session for introductions....