Shaq & Flat Earthers on Twitter: here's what they believe | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Science has explained that the Earth rotates at 1,000 miles an hour at its equator, but flat-earthers are not buying it. Wouldn't people feel the rush of the rotation if the planet were spinning at that speed, you could ask.

Well, no, you wouldn't -- think about when you're an airplane or train ride that's moving at a constant speed, as astrophysicist Sabrina Stierwalt explained for Cornell University's "Ask An Astronomer." As long as it's a smooth, constant speed, you wouldn't feel any movements at all.

When you're on a flight, do you feel like you are personally blasting at 570 miles an hour through the air? You feel a change in speed, not a constant. If the Earth suddenly stopped moving, the atmosphere would continue to blast forward at 1,000 miles an hour, destroying everybody, according to NASA. Web comic XKCD's creator Randall Munroe explains the morbid aftermath in his book "What If?"...