3 Waves of Digital Transformation - Be Prepared | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

In the age of hyper-digital transformation, nine additional, incremental digital technologies join the eight from the previous age. These nine start with a relatively low level of importance today but increase by an average of 145% among digital leaders by the year 2020. These nine additional digital technologies reach the threshold of having an “important to very important” business impact among at least one-fourth of digital leaders:

Telepresence (Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.) (49%)

Digital currency (49%)

Artificial intelligence (46%)

Robotic process automation (software) (41%)

Sharing economy platforms like Uber (39%)

Nanotechnologies (35%)

Robots (hardware) (33%

Telematics (29%r)

Wearables (28%)

When combined, these seventeen digital technologies increase their business impact among digital leaders by an average of 112% between 2016 and 2020. The predicted business impact of these digital technologies mean that the business and IT organizations you operate today will need to look very different by 2020 in order to keep up and compete successfully....