Seth Godin, Lao-Tzu, me and writing on the internet | The PR Coach | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

I guess I’m in a metaphysical mood today. Thinking about writing for the internet, how it’s different,  and finding your own style.

So, let’s set the scene…

Seth Godin, Lao-Tzu and I walk into Hemingway’s Bar & Grill. Godin says, “I’ll have a Purple Cow.” I say, in my best Homer Simpson salutation, “Beer me.” Lao-Tzu says, “Ommmmm.”

Drinks with Seth Godin
That’s me channeling Seth Godin, echoing Lao-Tzu.

Except I’m not a bald guy and I don’t wear saffron like either of these wise men....