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Last Christmas, infamous file leaker Edward Snowden delivered a two minute broadcast across the UK with a harrowing message regarding the digital invasion of privacy.  He warns:

"A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all.  They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves – an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought."

As a latter Millennial I’ve grown up with all of this technology around, and personally participated in the rise of social media; we we’re the first to adapt to this new format of expression.  Long before the Googles and Facebooks of Silicon Valley found a way to proficiently profit off of their free services, we enjoyed unfettered interconnectivity. Sure, internet speeds were painfully slow and websites were clunky, but we didn’t care; we were riding the wave of the future.

Fast forward a decade – our temporal trend is now ubiquitous.  It’s almost hard to recall a time when I didn’t have a smart phone, or Facebook, or Gmail.  And nowadays these services are just so prim, so neat, so integrated with every facet of my life – not a day goes by where I’m not immersed in the cyber realm.  The greater part of my life is experienced online....