Harry Potter Is Fiction, but Invisibility Cloak(ing Device)s Are Real | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Hey, where'd you go?

University of Rochester researchers have developed — take a breath — a “three-dimensional, transmitting, continuously multidirectional cloaking” device.That pileup of adjectives basically means the “perfect paraxial” cloak makes an object invisible, and it stays invisible even when the viewer isn’t looking straight at it. That’s an improvement over early cloaking efforts where the abracadabra effect is ruined by as little as a head tilt.

And the scientists pulled it off with relatively cheap and easily found materials, specifically a set of four lenses set at just the right distance to bend light around an object.

The new research, submitted to the journal Optics Express and available on arXiv.org, is the latest in a growing body of studies exploring various approaches to making objects appear to vanish into thin air....