It's not a pitch, it's a person. The super powers of influence marketing @MarkWSchaefer | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Today, if you’re in marketing to any extent, you’ll know about influencers and, more importantly, about influence marketing.

What makes a great influencer? Influencers are humans, clearly, not automated content management systems. They are mega-connected on social media (aka they have earned the trust of many other humans to deliver on what they promise) and they have the unique ability to inspire action. The good influencers out there have great knowledge in a particular field, know how to curate that knowledge, add their unique vision and value, and they know how to communicate with their audiences.

If I am a brand, I totally love that potential, that opportunity, that has only been created in the last few years. How can my brand become part of an influencer’s curated content (and in a positive light, hopefully!)....