Homeless Man Runs International Business From His Car | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

OMooch has been living out of his car since the autumn of 2010. He has a full-time security job and a gym membership at a 24 hour fitness club. He uses public Wi-fi to work on client’s projects and he says he’s never “…been happier or more successful…” in his life. Mooch is homeless.

Mooch, obviously, is not his real name. Neither is it a derogatory term placed on him by society. It is a street moniker he chose himself. Some people say that Mooch is homeless by choice. That’s a statement that upsets him because he feels it labels his situation. When he couldn’t pay his rent at his apartment in California, Mooch moved in with his dad. Originally, the agreement was that Mooch would live with his father rent-free. Mooch would just have to buy his own groceries.....