Your Ultimate Guide To Organizing Long WordPress Content And Blog Posts | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

When you build a website or blog, populating it with content is just one step of the process. For some, it’s as simple as writing up a few basic content pages, writing blog posts on a regular schedule, and that’s it. For others—especially those working in complex industries, their content needs might be a little bit more demanding.

That’s when content starts to get lengthy. I’m talking 5,000+ word blog posts, here. The subject matter might totally lend itself to that many words but a careful balancing act must be accommodated for: what’s the right length to thoroughly cover the topic at hand without making your readers’ eyes glaze over?

Long content is what we’re going to talk about today. And as always, it’ll have a WordPress bent so all the organizational tips offered will be catered to fellow users and developers of this CMS. We’ll start with a discussion of how to determine if your content actually needs to be long then move into some actionable tips you can try out today. Happy organizing!...