Emerging Trend: The Conscious Consumer | Seymourpowell Blog | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

There is a Swedish word that has been on the tip of our collective tongue here at Seymourpowell for quite some time now. It is a word that describes a philosophy of life that pervades Swedish culture; a word which, we believe, could be a powerful design term if manifested effectively in consumers lifestyles. That word is Lagom – the Swedes idea of achieving a balance between what we want and what we need – life in moderation.

At Seymourpowell we regularly monitor emerging consumer groups. In recent months we have noted a rise of the Lagom – a considerate consumer looking for a simpler way of life with just enough. As stuffocation reaches a saturation point, people are looking for ways to rationalise. Pairing back becomes the new priority, they are looking for ways to simplify and reduce on all levels....