Don’t Send Another Cold Message on LinkedIn Until You Read This | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

There are many advocates of using a mutual LinkedIn connection as the basis of reaching out to a prospect, but I think the process in practice is flawed. There are far more direct ways to get into a conversation with a prospect with far better results.

To recap what the LinkedIn connection outreach process typically looks like:

-  Build a list of prospects you want to talk to.

-  Mine their profiles for mutual connections.

-  Email the mutual connection and ask them if you could use their name in a message to your prospect, or even ask them to make the recommendation themselves.

-  Send an email to the prospect saying you have a shared contact that trusts you, and therefore the two of you should talk.

I have tested this extensively. I’ve had some successes and quite a few failures too. After reflecting a bit, there are three main reasons I’d suggest this is no longer an effective strategy....