The First Real Pinterest Marketing Campaign | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

Kotex identified 50 women, who were active on Pinterest. They researched what they pinned, how they expressed themselves, and then sent them a box of gifts that was customized to their taste.

It was essentially a creative influencer outreach campaign, that used Pinterest as its launch pad.


Clearly, Kotex targets women as their customers. Pinterest makes a lot of sense for this campaign, since it holds such a high percentage of women users, and has so much growing media and user attention, right now.


Kotex used repins to opt-in the Pinterest users for the campaign. And, the women who received the gifts posted about them on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


They sent out 50 total gift boxes, and saw over 2,000 interactions that created close to 695,000 impressions. 


[Useful Pinterest marketing case study ~ Jeff]

Via Jess Seilheimer, theMediaPod