Dirty Secret: Social Media Analytics Are Failing Marketers | Newscred | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

“Measuring KPIs depends hugely on the client and their specific goals,” says Mangiaforte. “We also go deeper for clients, identifying and reporting on the number of influencers who participate in campaigns and breaking down their demographics to give our clients an enormous amount of intelligence about their social audience.” She completes this measurement through a mix of proprietary software and tools such as Keyhole and on-platform analytics, using this assortment of tools to, “identify influencers and measure their impact in terms of reach and engagement once we deploy them for our clients.”

It is important to consider the big picture when choosing the specific data to collect. Ask yourself, does this directly contribute to my company’s bottom line? How can we correlate brand awareness to lead generation or conversions? Once you have taken a step back to establish priorities, you can take a deeper, more informed dive into the data that matters most – ultimately, benefitting you and your team. Collecting data points for data’s sake isn’t going to solve anything....